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WBI-Print 9

Three-dimensional calculations of two-phase flow and pollutant transport for the optimization of active pneumatic remediation processes.

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Active pneumatic in situ methods for decontamination are widely used for remediating sites contaminated with volatile pollutants. In these methods for decontamination air extraction wells are in­stalled in the unsaturated zone of the soil and a depression is generated. The pollutants are concentrated in the gaseous phase and removed by suction. For remediating the saturated zone of the soil the soil vapor extraction is supplemented by air sparging. In contact with the injected air the volatile pollutants which are solved in the ground-water and are present in the liquid phase pass over to the gaseous phase and are extracted with the air flow.

In the present study the influence of parameters as the suction pressure for example and the boundary conditions to the soil vapor extraction for the decontamination of the unsaturated zone as well as the combined method of air sparging and soil vapor extraction for the decontamination of the saturated zone is investigated.



